Point Of Sale


  Scale Integration Barcode Scanning   Label Printing  
 Integrated EFTPOS/TYRO   Customer Display   Rewards     

  • (brings all your online orders from)


     in to the pos and prints out the order

  • For more details About See link: https://www.deliverect.com/en-au



    EFTPOS Integration

    Our POS System, Point of sale software pos interfaces with Linkly, Tyro,

    Customer Loyalty Rewards

    The POS System, point of sale system allows you to create and maintain a database of frequent shoppers. Sales are stored against the relevant shopper and you can recall their sales history easily. You can reward your shoppers with discounts and reward points. You can even target shoppers that haven't bought anything from your store for a while via both e-mail and SMS (fees apply).

    Superior Security

    Employee Rights maintain security and full control over sensitive functions including sale functions like no-sales or the ability to put items on account, as well as back-end functions like maintenance and reporting. You decide who has access to what with almost a hundred employee rights.



    Advanced Reporting

    RetailPOS Advantage POS System, point of slae software boasts a powerful reporting system that gives you total control, with over 200 reports including:

    55 sales related reports, 32 Stock related reports, 15 daily financial related reports plus the ability to export sales data into accounting programs such as XERO, QuickBooks and MYOB Essentials. Sales can also be automatically exported to MYOB and XERO via their API.



    NMI-Approved Integrated weigh Scales

    Our POS has an NMI-approved weigh scale integration with three types of scale: Mettler Toledo VIVA, PD2 and Magellan. This means that when you select the item from the menu on the sales screen, our POS will automatically weigh the item when you place it on the scales. It is important that when using scales they have been checked and authorised by an official weights and measures company and all equipment using them is stamped.
    Because our software is not cloud based it is extremely reliable and fast and runs offline. We do not require an internet connection for the software to work.

    We will install our software onto your computer at no extra charge and assist you with your menu setup.
    Cost effective
    We provide general software support Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM, and emergency software breakdown support 9 AM to 9 PM seven days a week, excluding public holidays.

    Call us NOW on (08) 8363 2988 to arrange a free demonstration!

    Easy to use
    Staff will quickly pick up the system within minutes as our point of sale software has been designed with the end user in mind from over 20 years of listening to our customers.
    Table screen
    A flexible table screen allowing you to see all your rooms and the tables within the rooms, which tables are occupied, which are available, and which still need cleaning. Bookings, table transfers, covers, reprinting of orders and bill printing can also be done from this screen plus much more!
    Stock control
    Our point of sale offers a simple to use but very flexible stock control system allowing you to sell by mls, grams, bottles, kegs, it's all up to you. You don't need to deal with fractions like you do with other point of sale! It will even do stock control down to sandwhich level allowing you to monitor how much tomato has been used!
    Powerful reporting
    Our point of sale software provides hundreds of different reports allowing you to get information out of the system in a variety of ways.
    Powerful options
    A wide range of security options allows you to choose which staff members can do what actions within the point of sale software so you can have peace of mind knowing that your staff are only doing what you want them to be able to do.
    Barcode scanning
    Our point of sale software allows you to scan product barcodes, and also supports price embedded, weight embedded, and in-house barcodes..
    Extremely reliable point of sale printing
    Our point of sale software has inbuilt backup printing to ensure that your orders will still print out even if one of your printers are offline or unavailable.
    Print priority
    Our point of sale software allows you to categorise your products by print priority, meaning that all your desserts will print out together on the kitchen docket, likewise all your drinks will print together, and all your mains will print together.
    Custom layout
    Our point of sale software allows you to change the layout of your receipts and kitchen dockets like the size and style of the font, whether to show certain information or not etc
    Interfaces to accounting software
    Our point of sale software supports integration with MYOB and XERO.
    Special offers
    Our point of sale software cleverly calculates deals and special offers on the fly as you add items to the sale. In other point of sale software you would have a button for a special deal like 2 large pizzas, garlic break and 1.25 litre coke. We don't!
    Shopper loyalty
    Our point of sale allows you to sign up you customers to rewards and discounts of your choosing. Entice them back with automatically generated gift vouchers when they spend a certain amount in your store.
    Automatically give them a discount on their shopping when they scan their card.
    Target your shoppers with our inbuilt marketing tool to encourage your shoppers back into your store.
    Lay-bys & Accounts
    Allow your customers to put items on lay-by to be paid for over a certain period of time, or allow them to put items on account to be paid for at a later date.

    Main Features 

    Happy Hour
    Bar Tabs
    Cocktail & Recipe Control
    Surcharges & discounts
    Graphical table layout for the restaurant
    Direct sale for the bar
    Product specials
    Sophisticated price control
    Promotional vouchers
    In-house gift vouchers
    Built-in security & staff control
    Location control (bar, restaurant ...)
    Different sale modes, product pricing, menu
    Configurations for each location
    Bistro-style ordering
    Live Sales Viewer
    Comprehensive stock reports
    Integrated NMI-approved Scale
    automatic tare value for products in bags,
    quick and easy manual tare
    Frequent Shoppers and Customer Loyalty
    Barcode scanning with six barcodes per product
    Large LCD Customer Display
    Price Embedded, In-House & Weigh Labelled Barcodes
    Integration With EFTPOS
    Staff Clock On/Off
    Sophisticated stock control system
    Full security, complete control over your staff
    Remote access from home
    Automatic e-mailing of reports
    Electronic Journal records all transactions
    Phone app for price changes, live sales viewer and reports
    Booking System
    Bookings For Services By Stylist
    Frequent Shoppers and Customer Loyalty

    History By Customer of Product or Service
    Commissions on Products and Services
    Staff Clock-on/Clock-off
    Electronic Journal for all transactions

    Record Sales By Stylist
    Fast, Easy and Accurate Sales Operation
    Gift Certificates
    Discounts Including Birthday
    Vip Offers
    Stock And Sales Reporting E.g Top Performers or Slow/Low Performers
    Total Stock Control from the retail pos advantage software
    See available stock at all stores and request an internal transfer or hold of product.
    Receive stock direct at each store or ship out from the warehouse.
    See available stock and other necessary information from the sale screen.
    See estimated days left of stock, full stock sales history.

    POS System Reports
    Retail Pos Advantage POS System, point of sale system gives you total control, with over 200 reports! 46 sales related reports,
    33 Stock related reports, 15 daily financial related reports and the ability to export sales data into accounting programs such as Xero and Intuit QuickBooks, Myob Essentials.

     QuickBooks IntuitXero 

    MultiStore Head office
    Flexible options of running a live point of sale centralised database or each store as stand-alone with a centralised
    Customer Loyalty database. Either way, the point of sale system is a smart pos system and will keep working even if
    head office is unreachable. With RetailPos Advantage touch screen point of sale software you gain greater business knowledge and
    control of menu layouts, products, pricing, promotions, barcode scanning accounts, laybys, stock, employees, reporting
    and marketing to your customers.

    Customer Loyalty
    Retail Pos Advantage POS System, point of sale software's Customer Loyalty allows you to reward and market to your customers.
    Customers can easily join up at any point of sale terminal and instantly start earning Reward Points, Members-only specials, discounts and access to member’s prices. Each product sold can be individually assigned a Reward Point value and expiry date. As points become close to expiring our system can notify your customers about their
    soon-to-be-expired points via e-mail or SMS. They can also be notified as they earn points.

    POS System, Touchscreen point of sale POS with Integrated Web Store (nop commerce)
    Retail Pos Advantage POS System, touch screen point of sale software has its own built-in web store where you can configure products that are sold online. Potential customers can join your Loyalty Programme online. Any purchases made will be shown on your touch screen point of sale system  POS as an on-line sale and any production dockets will automatically be printed.

    Total point of sale POS System Control
    You can quickly and easily change the price or add new products to the touch screen point of sale system from any pos terminal, even while serving a customer. And the changes will automatically flow through to all other POS terminals within seconds. But only if you have the correct staff rights to do so!

    Total Staff Control
    the retail pos advantage software tracks Every action in the sale screen is totally controllable by employee types or the pos system settings with over 300 control settings available to ensure your system works and is used the way you like it.

    Customer Marketing SMS & E-mail
    from within the retailpos advantage point of sale software offers a built in way to market and keep in touch with your customers, such as sending an e-mail or SMS to all customers, only those who came in on a specific date, have not made a purchase for a given number of days, from specific suburbs, or having a birthday soon and much more.

    Owner SMS/E-mail Alerts!
    from the retailpos advantage point of sale software you can easily send yourself alerts if any staff or specific staff do no-sales, cancelled sales, refunds or payouts over a certain dollar amount.


    Or Our Cloud Based Hive Pos

    Click The link Below to Try!


    HivePOS is a web-based point of sale system
    developed using the latest Microsoft technologies.
    HivePOS has been designed with simplicity

    and ease of use in mind.

    Works on Most Modern Devices,
    Such as Apple & Android Tablets
    Mac & windows.

    Free Pos Software & No Monthly Fee Intergrated Eftpos Payments

    Minimum Requirements and Terms and Conditions apply

    To Qualify for the free version of our pos software,
    contact us to see if you Qualify 08 8363 2988